Information and advice are free, and easily available.

But, support and accountability, they're worth paying for.

Coaching through LEGO Serious Play is a creative and engaging approach to personal and professional growth - and Kate is the best in the biz!

Kate's passion for coaching, and skills as an LSP facilitator allow us to provide a face-to-face coaching program that uses LEGO bricks to enhance communication, problem-solving, and creativity in individuals and teams. This innovative approach to coaching can help people explore their thoughts and feelings, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop new strategies to achieve their goals.

How does LEGO Serious Play + coaching work?

In a typical LEGO Serious Play coaching session, you'll use LEGO bricks to build models that represent your ideas and experiences. These models can be literal or abstract, and they can be used to tell stories, solve problems, and explore complex concepts. Kate guides you through a series of questions and prompts that encourage you to think deeply about your models and the meaning behind them.

LEGO Serious Play is a hands-on, experiential approach that encourages creativity and free-thinking. It is effective in both individual and group coaching settings, where you and your team members can share your models and insights with each other. By using LEGO bricks as a medium, you and your colleagues can express yourselves in a non-threatening and non-judgmental way, which can help to break down barriers and foster trust and understanding.

Let's chat about the benefits of LEGO Serious Play coaching:

LEGO Serious Play coaching can be used in a variety of ways, including personal development, team building, leadership training, and strategic planning. Here are some of the benefits of using LSP in coaching:

  • Enhanced communication: LEGO Serious Play encourages you to express yourself in new and creative ways, which can lead to better communication and collaboration skills.

  • Improved problem-solving: By building models and exploring them, you can identify new solutions to complex problems and challenges.

  • Increased creativity: LEGO Serious Play taps into your creativity and imagination, helping you to think outside the box and come up with new ideas.

  • Better self-awareness: By building models that represent your experiences and emotions, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your motivations.

  • Strengthened relationships: LSP can help to build trust and understanding among you and your colleagues, which can lead to stronger relationships and more effective teamwork.

Who will benefit from LEGO Serious Play coaching?

LEGO Serious Play coaching will be amazing for you if you're looking to improve your communication, problem-solving, reflective and creativity skills. It is particularly effective for:

Leaders: LSP can help leaders to develop new strategies and approaches, build stronger relationships with their teams, and improve their communication and decision-making skills.

Individuals: LSP can help individuals to identify their strengths and weaknesses, explore their goals and aspirations, and develop new strategies to achieve them.

Teams: LSP can help teams to work more effectively together, build trust, and identify new solutions to challenges.

Let's talk turkey

Coaching with Kate starts at $500+GST per month for individuals.

Coaching is a big commitment that requires a lot of work from your end. If you're ready to do the hard-yards (fun, but at times hard), then Kate's on board to support you every step of the way as you work towards achieving things that will blow your mind! 

Each coaching program looks slightly different depending on how you want it to roll, but typically it looks like:

  • face to face coaching session for an hour every 2-3 weeks

  • weekly email reflection and accountability prompts

  • ubiquitous email support

Fire Kate a message to chat about you + LSP coaching:

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