What is LEGO Serious Play?

LEGO Serious Play (LSP) is a methodology created by LEGO® to help solve business problems. It brings together the collective knowledge and wisdom within teams to solve problems and create clarity for everyone involved. What we love most about it is that everyone is involved, so it is 100% inclusive!

It is team development on steroids!!

As Certified LSP Trainers and Facilitators, we use the simplicity of the LEGO brick as a tool to help teams and individuals express their ideas in a way they never thought possible. LSP creates conversations and stories that everyone can identify with long after the workshop has ended. Teams approach challenges and solutions in a different way; seeing the results right in front of them.

What can LSP help with?

LEGO® Serious Play® is a great process to engage your team around a critical conversation - creating clarity on a specific area of your business. No team is too big or small to get the benefits of LSP. Just some ideas of how LSP can be used are:

  • Team development / team building

  • Unleashing creative thinking for accelerated innovation

  • Collaborative problem solving

  • Create a shared mindset across the team about an issue or idea

  • Constructive and safe discussions where everybody is heard

  • Creating a shared vision

  • Strategy planning and engagement

  • Customer Experience exploration

  • Opens the door to new thinking

What does a workshop look like?

A LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) workshop typically runs from between 2 - 4 hours depending on the question that is being explored. Groups can be as small as 3-4 people to over 40 people.  It is a flexible approach depending on your organisation's needs. Each session follows the LSP methodology of: Question - Build - Share - Capture.

We spend a lot of time talking about the benefits of an engaged team. LSP takes this to a whole new level! This is because everyone is 100% involved in the conversations right from the beginning of the workshop. Those simple bricks and the stories that we attach to them break the typical 20/80 dynamics of a traditional meeting where 20% of the group take up 80% of the conversation space.

We have all been in meetings where one person has dominated the whole conversation. With LSP, that simply does not happen. Everybody is engaged, contributing and participating.

This means the full potential of your group can be accessed. The method breaks the boring habits, and thinking associated with the typical workshops, resulting in some amazing new insights for your business.

We're not the only ones who love LEGO Serious Play
Check out some of the teams we've run LSP workshops with:

Want to talk about organising a
LEGO Serious Play workshop?

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